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Elizabeth Miller


I was watching from the Heavens

So long before my life,

And worried for my brother

The beloved Son, the Christ

I saw Him as his pores spilled blood

In the place Gethsemane----

Afraid to take the bitter cup

But willing to - for me.

I watched Him as they pierced His hands

And hung Him from the cross.

They crowned Him as the King of Jews.

They didn’t know the cost.

And in his pain, he looked on me,

His eyes so full of love

And smiled through His tears at me

In the Heavens far above

“For you I’ll die, my little one.

For you I’ll bear these sins

Because there is not greater love

Than the love I have within.”

And then he died upon the cross

His suffering complete. ---

It is He who watches me now

And some day we will meet.

And I will fall before Him

To praise Him to the end

And kiss this man – my brother –

My Lord, My King, My Friend.

Stationary photo

The cowboy has always been a dying breed,

but he takes his dying slowly,

perched upon his steed..............

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